terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
Direto do Hillel Internacional
Yom Kippur
The Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur is one of the most widely observed holidays on the Jewish calendar. It marks the highest synagogue attendance rate of any other day in the year. Despite its widespread observance and long hours spent in synagogue, Yom Kippur is a difficult day to understand.
The major theme of Yom Kippur, as its name implies, is atonement. The source for much of our observance of Yom Kippur is Leviticus 23:26-28 - "God spoke to Moses, saying: Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred occasion for you: you shall practice self-denial, and you shall do no work throughout that day for it is a Day of Atonement, on which expiation is made on your behalf before the Lord your God."
The requirement to "practice self-denial" is interpreted in the Talmud to mean the following five prohibitions: eating, drinking, bathing, sexual relations, using bath oils and lotions, etc., and wearing leather shoes.
In Biblical and Rabbinic times, Temple rituals and sacrifices were the focus of the holiday. Among the highlights of the day was the scapegoat ceremony during which lots would be placed on two goats. One goat would be offered as a sacrifice in the Temple, in the Holy of Holies; and the second would be thrown into the wilderness. Once the Temples were destroyed, prayer and return, i.e. repentance, are the focus while the Temple ritual is recounted as part of the Yom Kippur liturgy.
The day of Yom Kippur itself is said to have the power to expiate some sins, while our renunciation of sins and our confession of them is said to be essential for a new year of life with a proverbial clean slate. Maimonides writes that today, when there is no Temple or sacrificial system, "all that is available is repentance." We are required to repent for sins between ourselves and God and for sins between ourselves and other people.
The Yom Kippur service builds in intensity throughout the day culminating with the final Ne’ila service. During the final hour of the day, all who have fasted and prayed gather strength from their friends and cry out for the gates of forgiveness to remain open as they are about to close. The cathartic moment when nighttime has descended is punctuated by the blowing of the Shofar, as all congregations of Israel exclaim, "Next year in Jerusalem."
View the Yom Kippur Fact Sheet
Download the following documents to enrich your holiday experience:
(The following PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.)
A guide to some classical sources regarding the dilemma of free will:
Teshuva & the Dilemma of Free Will (PDF file 165Kb)
As part of the Yom Kippur liturgy we read of the ten Rabbinic Martyrs who were executed by the Romans in the year 135 CE. One of the martyrs was Rabbi Hanina ben Tradyon. An in-depth look at the Talmud's rendering of his life and a general view on martyrdom:
A Look at Martyrdom (PDF file 204Kb)
A resource guide for campuses to integrate tzedek/social justice programming with the High Holidays.
CASE It! From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur (PDF file 58Kb)
The Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur is one of the most widely observed holidays on the Jewish calendar. It marks the highest synagogue attendance rate of any other day in the year. Despite its widespread observance and long hours spent in synagogue, Yom Kippur is a difficult day to understand.
The major theme of Yom Kippur, as its name implies, is atonement. The source for much of our observance of Yom Kippur is Leviticus 23:26-28 - "God spoke to Moses, saying: Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred occasion for you: you shall practice self-denial, and you shall do no work throughout that day for it is a Day of Atonement, on which expiation is made on your behalf before the Lord your God."
The requirement to "practice self-denial" is interpreted in the Talmud to mean the following five prohibitions: eating, drinking, bathing, sexual relations, using bath oils and lotions, etc., and wearing leather shoes.
In Biblical and Rabbinic times, Temple rituals and sacrifices were the focus of the holiday. Among the highlights of the day was the scapegoat ceremony during which lots would be placed on two goats. One goat would be offered as a sacrifice in the Temple, in the Holy of Holies; and the second would be thrown into the wilderness. Once the Temples were destroyed, prayer and return, i.e. repentance, are the focus while the Temple ritual is recounted as part of the Yom Kippur liturgy.
The day of Yom Kippur itself is said to have the power to expiate some sins, while our renunciation of sins and our confession of them is said to be essential for a new year of life with a proverbial clean slate. Maimonides writes that today, when there is no Temple or sacrificial system, "all that is available is repentance." We are required to repent for sins between ourselves and God and for sins between ourselves and other people.
The Yom Kippur service builds in intensity throughout the day culminating with the final Ne’ila service. During the final hour of the day, all who have fasted and prayed gather strength from their friends and cry out for the gates of forgiveness to remain open as they are about to close. The cathartic moment when nighttime has descended is punctuated by the blowing of the Shofar, as all congregations of Israel exclaim, "Next year in Jerusalem."
View the Yom Kippur Fact Sheet
Download the following documents to enrich your holiday experience:
(The following PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.)
A guide to some classical sources regarding the dilemma of free will:
Teshuva & the Dilemma of Free Will (PDF file 165Kb)
As part of the Yom Kippur liturgy we read of the ten Rabbinic Martyrs who were executed by the Romans in the year 135 CE. One of the martyrs was Rabbi Hanina ben Tradyon. An in-depth look at the Talmud's rendering of his life and a general view on martyrdom:
A Look at Martyrdom (PDF file 204Kb)
A resource guide for campuses to integrate tzedek/social justice programming with the High Holidays.
CASE It! From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur (PDF file 58Kb)
Conheça o Projeto Idan Raichel
O projeto Idan Raichel é um grupo de 10 músicos, de origens variadas, reunidos em um espetáculo símbolo da coexistência e do multiculturalismo.
A diversidade, é certamente um dos pontos-chave desse revolucionário “Projeto”, que promove uma fusão entre música eletrônica, escritos tradicionais judaicos, ritmos da Etiópia e do Oriente Médio. A maioria das músicas são em hebraico, porém a presença de trechos ou mesmo músicas inteiras em amárico (idioma etíope), outras em árabe, vozes masculinas e femininas e a mescla de tons musicais tradicionais e música moderna são amostras dessas múltiplas dimensões reunidas.
Do projeto inicial, onde 70 músicos das mais variadas formações e origens participaram das gravações, desde árabes e judeus etíopes até vocalistas iemenitas e um percussionista do Suriname, Idan reuniu aqueles com maior versatilidade e personalidade artística para formar o que viria ser um dos espetáculos mais impressionantes da cultura moderna, aclamado internacionalmente.
Em tempos de conflitos, exclusão e segregação, O Projeto Idan Raichel, harmonizando a diversidade em música, celebra o multiculturalismo, a coexistência e a paz.
Site Oficial
O projeto Idan Raichel é um grupo de 10 músicos, de origens variadas, reunidos em um espetáculo símbolo da coexistência e do multiculturalismo.
A diversidade, é certamente um dos pontos-chave desse revolucionário “Projeto”, que promove uma fusão entre música eletrônica, escritos tradicionais judaicos, ritmos da Etiópia e do Oriente Médio. A maioria das músicas são em hebraico, porém a presença de trechos ou mesmo músicas inteiras em amárico (idioma etíope), outras em árabe, vozes masculinas e femininas e a mescla de tons musicais tradicionais e música moderna são amostras dessas múltiplas dimensões reunidas.
Do projeto inicial, onde 70 músicos das mais variadas formações e origens participaram das gravações, desde árabes e judeus etíopes até vocalistas iemenitas e um percussionista do Suriname, Idan reuniu aqueles com maior versatilidade e personalidade artística para formar o que viria ser um dos espetáculos mais impressionantes da cultura moderna, aclamado internacionalmente.
Em tempos de conflitos, exclusão e segregação, O Projeto Idan Raichel, harmonizando a diversidade em música, celebra o multiculturalismo, a coexistência e a paz.
Site Oficial
1o Encontro de Projetos - Feedback

Quarta feira que passou tivemos um grande encontro com representantes de todos os projetos da casa. Foi uma oportunidade de conhecer tudo que o Hillel faz e trocar idéias sobre todas as atividades além de reforçar ainda mais a verdadeira identidade do Hillel dentro de cada um. Houve bate papo, dinâmica, Hummus e cerveja. Foi também o lançamento oficial do seminário do Hillel. Ainda vamos dar mais detalhes.
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Rosh Hashana (Hillel Internacional)
Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Pamphlet (PDF file 763Kb)
The Days of Awe

Jewish holidays in general and certainly the High Holidays in particular are products of layers of tradition that span millennia. The High Holiday season begins in some traditional communities with special penitential prayers, selichot services, said the week before Rosh Hashanah either in the evening or before morning services. The daily morning services end with Psalm 27 and the blowing of the shofar. This is the time when the traditional liturgy hearkens us to prepare for Rosh Hashanah - the holiday that begins the season where we are held accountable for our deeds from the past year.
The Torah is at its most cryptic when it comes to Rosh Hashanah. It says, "In the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts." (Leviticus 23:24) Later on, in the Book of Numbers, the holiday is described similarly as a "... day when the horn is sounded.” (Numbers 29:1) The only cues we are given from the Torah are that we are not supposed to engage in work, and that we are to punctuate, or commemorate this day with horn blowing.
The Biblical book of Psalms, traditionally attributed to King David gives us a little more information. In Psalm 81 it is written: "Blow on the new moon a shofar, during the hidden-ness of our day of feasting, for it is a law, a judgment of the God of Jacob ..." This verse which is part of the liturgy in the Rosh Hashanah service and is also the signifying verse by which we sanctify the day for Kiddush is read closely in order to add another layer of meaning to the verses rendered in the Torah. The words "a judgment of the God of Jacob" are interpreted to mean that these are the days that Jacob i.e. the nation of Jacob, is judged.
The Shofar blowing on Rosh Hashanah literally heralds the season of judgment that culminates with the fast of Yom Kippur. It is a time where the tradition teaches that the Creator is more accessible, and it is a time of favor and forgiveness, a time of growth and improvement, a time of new beginnings, not only for ourselves, but for family, for friends and community.
Apples and Honey
Toward this end, we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah to concretize our wish for a good sweet year. It is customary to be inventive with food puns on Rosh Hashanah and customize a blessing that can belong uniquely to the person who expresses it.
When was the World Created?
There is a Talmudic dispute on whether the world was created on the first day of Nissan - the spring month which heralds the liberation of Israel from Egypt, or Rosh Hashanah. Generally, most commentators agree that Rosh Hashanah is considered the day the world was either conceived or created.
It is not only the day when the tradition acknowledges the past creation of the world, but that the tradition sees everyone as being created anew - every year at this time, but real change does not just magically occur. It takes effort and faith from the individual that change is truly possible and we can truly be profoundly transformed. The framework for returning to our ideal selves has been created by our Creator and as we hear the Shofar, we assert the following verse, "... Return us and we will return ..." (Lamentations 5:21)
Rosh Hashanah programs in the Program Exchange
Download the following documents to enrich your holiday experience:
(The following PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.)
A collection of hints and reminders for building a welcoming community:
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Tips (PDF file 54Kb)
Two suggestions for using the shofar to improve yourself and help others:
Ways to Use a Shofar (PDF file 85Kb)
Another look at the meaning of the shofar blast.
Sefat Emet and 50 Ways (PDF file 131Kb)
A text study of the story of Sarah following the binding of her son Isaac.
Sarah is the Shofar (PDF file 131Kb)
[Requer Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.]
Rosh Hashanah Pamphlet (PDF file 763Kb)
The Days of Awe

Jewish holidays in general and certainly the High Holidays in particular are products of layers of tradition that span millennia. The High Holiday season begins in some traditional communities with special penitential prayers, selichot services, said the week before Rosh Hashanah either in the evening or before morning services. The daily morning services end with Psalm 27 and the blowing of the shofar. This is the time when the traditional liturgy hearkens us to prepare for Rosh Hashanah - the holiday that begins the season where we are held accountable for our deeds from the past year.
The Torah is at its most cryptic when it comes to Rosh Hashanah. It says, "In the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts." (Leviticus 23:24) Later on, in the Book of Numbers, the holiday is described similarly as a "... day when the horn is sounded.” (Numbers 29:1) The only cues we are given from the Torah are that we are not supposed to engage in work, and that we are to punctuate, or commemorate this day with horn blowing.
The Biblical book of Psalms, traditionally attributed to King David gives us a little more information. In Psalm 81 it is written: "Blow on the new moon a shofar, during the hidden-ness of our day of feasting, for it is a law, a judgment of the God of Jacob ..." This verse which is part of the liturgy in the Rosh Hashanah service and is also the signifying verse by which we sanctify the day for Kiddush is read closely in order to add another layer of meaning to the verses rendered in the Torah. The words "a judgment of the God of Jacob" are interpreted to mean that these are the days that Jacob i.e. the nation of Jacob, is judged.
The Shofar blowing on Rosh Hashanah literally heralds the season of judgment that culminates with the fast of Yom Kippur. It is a time where the tradition teaches that the Creator is more accessible, and it is a time of favor and forgiveness, a time of growth and improvement, a time of new beginnings, not only for ourselves, but for family, for friends and community.
Apples and Honey
Toward this end, we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah to concretize our wish for a good sweet year. It is customary to be inventive with food puns on Rosh Hashanah and customize a blessing that can belong uniquely to the person who expresses it.
When was the World Created?
There is a Talmudic dispute on whether the world was created on the first day of Nissan - the spring month which heralds the liberation of Israel from Egypt, or Rosh Hashanah. Generally, most commentators agree that Rosh Hashanah is considered the day the world was either conceived or created.
It is not only the day when the tradition acknowledges the past creation of the world, but that the tradition sees everyone as being created anew - every year at this time, but real change does not just magically occur. It takes effort and faith from the individual that change is truly possible and we can truly be profoundly transformed. The framework for returning to our ideal selves has been created by our Creator and as we hear the Shofar, we assert the following verse, "... Return us and we will return ..." (Lamentations 5:21)
Rosh Hashanah programs in the Program Exchange
Download the following documents to enrich your holiday experience:
(The following PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.)
A collection of hints and reminders for building a welcoming community:
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Tips (PDF file 54Kb)
Two suggestions for using the shofar to improve yourself and help others:
Ways to Use a Shofar (PDF file 85Kb)
Another look at the meaning of the shofar blast.
Sefat Emet and 50 Ways (PDF file 131Kb)
A text study of the story of Sarah following the binding of her son Isaac.
Sarah is the Shofar (PDF file 131Kb)
[Requer Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.]
sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009
quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009
08/09 no hillel
Galeeeraaa! Estou aqui no Hillel esperando o inicio da atividDe do coexist!!!
Estão rolando vaaarias paradas aqui! Ta tendo aula de hebraico, entrevista pro taglit,
Tem um pessoal com narguila!!
Mais tarde deixo umas fotos por aqui!!!
Estão rolando vaaarias paradas aqui! Ta tendo aula de hebraico, entrevista pro taglit,
Tem um pessoal com narguila!!
Mais tarde deixo umas fotos por aqui!!!
Relatório da visita 30/08/09
Agosto é o mês do carnaval! Pelo menos, foi assim para os nossos vovôs e vovós do Lar de Jacarepaguá. Ao som de marchinhas de carnaval como "Pirata da perna de pau" e "Olha a cabeleira do Zezé", nossos queridos vovôs e vovós dançaram como nos velhos tempos! Antes e depois da atividade, tivemos as nossas atividades complementares, como quiz de perguntas e respostas, sorteio de brindes e show de talentos, onde descobrimos uma verdadeira musa da música Yiddish!

Essas atividades, uma inovação muito recente do projeto Sababa está se provando um sucesso. Inéditos também são dois dos nossos voluntários que já na primeira visita mostraram que tem muita alegria a dar para o projeto. Nesse clima de Tumbalalaika e Maria Bonita, desejamos aos nossos idosos um Shaná Tová.

E qual não foi nossa surpresa quando um dos nossos vovôs se levantou para nos dar um cartão desejando o mesmo! Essa atividade foi muito especial - e muito especial será também a próxima, na qual vamos levar a eles uma leitura do escritor yiddish (laureado com o Nobel de Literatura) Isaac Bashevis Singer, feita pela Turma de Teatro do Hillel.

Agosto é o mês do carnaval! Pelo menos, foi assim para os nossos vovôs e vovós do Lar de Jacarepaguá. Ao som de marchinhas de carnaval como "Pirata da perna de pau" e "Olha a cabeleira do Zezé", nossos queridos vovôs e vovós dançaram como nos velhos tempos! Antes e depois da atividade, tivemos as nossas atividades complementares, como quiz de perguntas e respostas, sorteio de brindes e show de talentos, onde descobrimos uma verdadeira musa da música Yiddish!

Essas atividades, uma inovação muito recente do projeto Sababa está se provando um sucesso. Inéditos também são dois dos nossos voluntários que já na primeira visita mostraram que tem muita alegria a dar para o projeto. Nesse clima de Tumbalalaika e Maria Bonita, desejamos aos nossos idosos um Shaná Tová.

E qual não foi nossa surpresa quando um dos nossos vovôs se levantou para nos dar um cartão desejando o mesmo! Essa atividade foi muito especial - e muito especial será também a próxima, na qual vamos levar a eles uma leitura do escritor yiddish (laureado com o Nobel de Literatura) Isaac Bashevis Singer, feita pela Turma de Teatro do Hillel.

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009
O churrasco do Hillel que aconteceu no ultimo domingo dia 30 deste mês arrebentou ! O Hillel tem varias atividades distintas e muito, mas muito trabalho da equipe, dos voluntários e frequentadores (Yad Vaed, Taglit, Coexistência, Tzedek, Hebraico, business club e muito mais...) então não é sempre que conseguimos juntar todos para um domingo agradável de sol, churrasco, futebolzinho, volley e cerveja.

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009
terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009
Grupo Yad Vaed se encontra com Centro Wiesenthal
Prezados Amigos e Doadores do Projeto Yad Vaed,
Ontem, recebemos Sergio Widder do Centro Simon Wiesenthal em caloroso batepapo com os integrantes do Yad Vaed e convidados.
Sergio apresentou o Centro e os riscos de infiltrações antissemitas na América Latina.
Desde que chegaram da viagem de estudos, os jovens do Yad Vaed estão se reunindo semanalmente em cima dos projetos.
Acompanhe as notícias pelo blog do Hillel.
Boa semana,
Bruno Bondarovsky.
Hillel Rio
21 2246-0039
21 8169-5585
Ontem, recebemos Sergio Widder do Centro Simon Wiesenthal em caloroso batepapo com os integrantes do Yad Vaed e convidados.
Sergio apresentou o Centro e os riscos de infiltrações antissemitas na América Latina.
Desde que chegaram da viagem de estudos, os jovens do Yad Vaed estão se reunindo semanalmente em cima dos projetos.
Acompanhe as notícias pelo blog do Hillel.
Boa semana,
Bruno Bondarovsky.
Hillel Rio
21 2246-0039
21 8169-5585

Taglit 2009-2010
Estiveram presentes por volta de 50 pessoas no Hillel na semana passada para a primeira chamada do próximo Taglit temporada 2009-2010. Michel Guerman coordenador acadêmico do Hillel Rio explicou detalhes da viagem. Muitos desses jovens tiveram também a oportunidade de conhecer a casa do Hillel pela primeira vez.

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